Saturday, August 29, 2009

Name-That-Yarn Contest!

I have been posting on Ravelry about the news of our next new yarn, and yesterday we began to send out samples with wholesalers' orders. This one is going to be another winner, and the sport weight will appeal to folks who like to knit sturdy socks, the slightly cabled look of the yarn will attract those who like a slight texture to their yarn, superwash to folks who really like to knit their socks in our superwash yarns, and our springy merino for folks who have grown to love that soft luxurious yarn which has so much natural strength to the fiber.

Here's the surprise, though. It is not, as I have been saying, a 4-Ply yarn. It's a 2 x 4-Ply yarn, aka 8-Ply. The construction of this one lends so much texture to the yarn, that same look which is so attractive in our recently introduced yarn, Sheila's Sock. Each of the four main plies are double-plied themselves, making this baby an 8-Ply yarn. So, if you have been wanting to enter the 8-Ply superwash merino craze, here's an entry for you but with the advantages listed above.

We don't yet have a name for this yarn! So ........ Contest!!!
Name-That-Yarn Contest!
Name our new sock yarn and win a kilo of it.
eMail up to 5 entries to
Deadline: September 27th.


kathy b said...

I sent mine in via email as you asked. DId you get it? If not can I renter now?? From a comment????

Yarnie said...

Yes, Kathy, I did receive your entry. Thank you. We are making the final decisions now, and will post the new name shortly. This is a hard one to name!!!